
Showing posts from November, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

You know, there's a lot of things that happen every day. Things that you may not even notice! Though, what we're referring to, you more than likely will have noticed. It's Thanksgiving again! One of  our favorite blue friend 's favorite holidays arrives once again, allowing you to preserve the lifelong tradition of eating. A lot. Specifically, turkey or chicken, or at least meat of some kind. Along with that, you get to once again remind yourself of the many things there are to be thankful for, which for TKKS is the ability to continue to provide & be your only source of pure perfection! We're very thankful for that. Speaking of which, a barrage of updates have occurred within the past few weeks, most of them being minor up until a couple days before today in which major updates slammed through & inserted themselves into your searchbar! Keep an eye out for some more update announcements, eat your food, & enjoy your happy Thanksgiving!

TKKS Minor Update Log #72

• Mass production of the  TKKS Website Reconstructed • Minor display updates to the  TKKS Website Classic • Production of the TKKS search engine project • Updates to  Perfection Search • Internalized updates to the  TKKS Website Classic • Internalized TKKS updates

TKKS Minor Update Log #71

• Minor text updates to the  TKKS Website Classic • Minor text updates to the  TKKS Website App • Minor display updates to the  TKKS Website App • Continued production of the  TKKS Website Reconstructed • Minor text update to the  TKKS Website App Website • Internalized TKKS updates

TKKS Fun Fact: There's going to be a frenzy of these soon!

Did you know that although today isn't the kind of Fun Fact-blowout that you could expect on a month-beginning Thursday (though with 3 Fun Facts in a single day, it is pretty close), the event that is happening is similar enough? This is because 2023's November begins on a Wednesday, which is right before Thursday, which is when the  TKKS Website App  gets a Fun Fact of its own! With 3 Fun Facts on a single day (which has the potential to happen indefinitely, regardless of whether it's a Thursday or not, though we wouldn't recommend to count on it), & an additional Fun Fact the next day, that's 4 Fun Facts in the timespan of 2 days! & this doesn't even factor in the dozens of other sources there could be Fun Facts on... Sure, there usually never are, but you never know! There's a 1 in 100 chance you could end up with 10+ Fun Facts in a single day! Try not to be too utopian though...

Minor constitutional update

Due to the shortening of mass public updates, TKKS News update posts will be reduced to a minimum of once per 2 weeks. (Note that this only applies to public updates, a lot of things have been happening behind the scenes!)